Charting a path to growth.

Decisive Group recognizes and nurtures potential ideas and opportunities in the market until fruition.


the brand

Decisive Group is a growth-driven, impact-focused brand that is based out of the UAE. Founded in 2015 by Chandrakant (Charlie) Patel, Decisive Group aims to identify, nurture, and capitalize on new business ideas and opportunities. Decisive Group makes investments largely in private companies, across different capital structures with the sole purpose of building portfolios that generate superior risk-adjusted returns on behalf of the investor.

Decisive Group champions the entrepreneurial spirit, focusing on identifying and leveraging new opportunities that show potential for meaningful growth in the market.

The Decisive brand includes:

  • Decisive Zone
  • Decisive Trading
  • Decisive Consultants
  • Decisive Brokers
  • Decisive Home
  • Decisive Stay


Chandrakant (Charlie) Patel holds a graduate degree in Economics and Law from the University of Leicester. Charlie is a serial entrepreneur with a diverse and successful investment and business portfolio. He is an experienced trader and has gained substantially with his investments in the stock market, focusing primarily on equities and bonds. Charlie started his career in the UK real estate market and slowly but steadily moved into equity investments and identifying the “Next Big Idea.” Charlie founded Decisive Group to expand his investment ideas and generate inclusive growth.

CEO's Message

With Decisive Group, I set out to identify gaps in different corporate sectors in order to take on tough market conditions and create unparalleled value. My efforts to redefine the traditional approach to business have been met with success, bolstering my commitment to making smart, decisive investments across the Emirates and elsewhere as well.

Decisive Group’s success has in large part been due to a network of strategic partnerships built over the years as well as remaining grounded in the core values that define the Decisive Spirit of Business. By doing so, Decisive Group has ensured foundational resilience and consequently, market success.

It was always important to me that I build an organization that focuses on responsibility and sustainability. Decisive Group has been successful in achieving that, and I take pride in knowing that our commitment to sustainability, to service, and to the region’s economic development has come to form the foundation of Decisive Group, guiding each action, decision, and strategy.

Decisively Yours,

Charlie Patel

Corporate Governance

Decisive Group strives to advance a unified vision, guided by our core values and founding principles, which inform our actions as a personal investment company.

  • Group Vision: At Decisive Group, we envision a world led by impact-driven, sustainable investment and entrepreneurship that strive to create value by embracing
  • Group Mission: To identify, nurture, and capitalize on business and investment opportunities across multiple industries in order to maximize economic and social impact.
  • Core Values: Decisive Group embraces the following core values:
    • Be Decisive – Make agile, quick, and informed decisions
    • Be Flexible – Stay sharp and ready to pivot
    • Be People-Focused – Always put people over profits
    • Be Curious – Encourage curiosity, and foster innovation

Long Term Strategy

Decisive Group’s long-term strategy centers around its commitment to maximize value creation. With a high emphasis on accountability and responsibility, we aim to cement our position in the market by nurturing key business relationships, investing in our continued learning, and actively creating an environment that fosters smart and informed investment decisions that drive our growth.

Investment Strategy

Decisive Group has maintained a firm belief that the right investments are those that create positive ripple effects across the business ecosystem. Decisions are made at the intersection of intelligent data insights and human intuition. We identify growth opportunities in developing industries and set in motion action plans that are backed by real data. Our vast network of professional associations and expertise help in creating optimal returns on our investment portfolios. 

Environmental Strategy

The environment is a key concern for Decisive Group, which aims to support sustainability through its investments. We actively seek investment opportunities that create value for the environment and make sure that every investment decision we make takes into consideration the short-term and long-term environmental impact. Investing responsibly has proven itself to be critical to our long-term growth.

Competitive Advantage

With Decisive Group, Charlie set out to build a brand that is inclusive, open, and learning-focused culture that forms the cornerstone of the group’s competitive advantage.

The group also stands out in the modern business world due to its commitment to putting people first. In doing so, Charlie focuses on fostering trust and loyalty, and has thereby strategically positioned Decisive Group to triumph over business challenges and achieve long-term market success.

Business Continuity and Sustainability Policy

Sustainability is at the core of Decisive Group’s business practices. Charlie strives to instill this principle as a guiding principle, as well as the importance of being environmentally conscious and embracing sustainable practices. Every goal is based on one of the four pillars of sustainability – economic, social, human, and environmental.


Sustainable business is but one of many tenets of Decisive Group’s broader business continuity policy. It is the group’s firm belief that in order to weather the toughest storms, adapt to ever-shifting business paradigms, and to ultimately stand the test of time, every company must create an organizational culture based on trust, loyalty, and empathy. At Decisive Group, we also place great emphasis on the need to foster creativity and face external threats with determination and persistence.

Other Companies

Decisive Zone

Decisive Trading

Decisive Consultants

Decisive Brokers

Decisive Homes

Decisive Stay